February – The Month of Self Love!

So the long month of January is behind us, and so we move into February – the month of love! Before you know it, it will be Valentines Day, and with it big gestures and social pressure to show you are in the perfect relationship. Instagram will be full of red roses and candlelit dinners with significant others, gushing over how they complete each other.

This February, big thumb down to the commercialism of Valentine’s day which over glamorises romance, and a big thumbs up to self-love instead.

While there is nothing wrong with people being happy in a relationship, being happy with yourself, being authentic and original is the best love you can share with everyone around you. This year I am happier than ever. I will not get any red roses and I do not need any because I am happy inside. I have people in my life that fill me with spontaneous laughter and love every day.

Turn February into FebYOUary and concentrate on some self-love! Self-compassion is an important part of it – which means treating yourself with the same kindness you show loved ones.

“When faced with difficult life struggles, or confronting personal mistakes, failures, and inadequacies, self-compassion responds with kindness rather than harsh self-judgment, recognizing that imperfection is part of the shared human experience.”

Here are three ways to practise self-compassion.

  1. Mindfulness – start having an open, curious and non-judging attitude. Don’t over-identify with the negative – try to turn negative thoughts into positive ones.
  2. Self-kindness – treat yourself kindly. If you find yourself talking harshly to or about yourself, ask yourself if you would talk that way about a loved one? Support and care for yourself in the same way you would them!
  3. Humanity –  everyone is human and everyone makes mistakes. Allow yourself to be human and learn from them. We are not perfect, and we shouldn’t be expected to be flawless – by anyone else or by ourselves!

We’re making February the month of self-love – but remember to love yourself all year, not just on Valentine’s day!


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