Food and Exercises to Help Reduce Joint Pain

As we get older, our bodies experience more aches and pains. It can slow us down and make us feel even older than we are! A lot of men and woman suffer from their lower back, knees and neck, usually caused by overuse, strained or pulled muscles, or conditions like arthritis. But joint pain isn’t just an inevitable side effect of ageing and there are things you can do to help improve flexibility and ease the discomfort.

11 Exercises To Help With Mobility and Joint Pain

Anyone who works out consistently usually repeats the same workout each week and this can increase the likelihood of overuse injuries to the joints. The best thing to do is to make sure you do a variety of workouts and movements.

This workout from is designed especially for people over 50 to help with your mobility. It also helps with stability to help the shoulders, lower back, hips, knees and ankles. There are three circuits to the workout with each one done three times, taking a two-minute rest between the repeated circuit. After your third time through a particular circuit, you move onto the next circuit in the series. This workout is suitable for beginners and people who workout regularly, and works for both men and women!

Circuit 1 – Windshield Wipers, Tick-Tock, and Hand Walkouts

Windshield Wipers

Lie down with knees bent, arms out to your side in a ‘T’-shape:

  • keep your knees pressed together
  • move your legs from one side of your body to other, like windshield wipers
  • initiate the movement from your abdominals
  • keep your navel drawn inward
  • proceed at a slow tempo
  • exhale each time your knees touch the ground
  • do 20 repetitions (10 each side).

Tick-Tock (Straight-Leg Wipers)

Similar to the previous exercise:

  • windshield-wiper the legs – only this time your feet are up and your legs extended
  • slowly lower the legs (keeping them together) to one side, then the other
  • be mindful of your lower back; keep your core active (so, don’t fully relax your glutes or your abdominals while you’re leaning your legs to the side)
  • 20 reps (10 each side).

Hand Walkouts

Start by standing tall:

  • bend over and touch the ground
  • keep your legs bent only enough that you can still feel a bit of stretch in your hamstrings
  • walk your hands out, and hold a perfect plank for three seconds
  • the trick to a well-executed plank is to center your pelvis and pull your lower abdominals up-and-in tightly (this is the abdominal plate located below your navel and above your pubic bone, shaped like an upside-down triangle)
  • walk your hands back in, to slightly bent knees (again feeling a bit of hamstring stretch in the back of your upper thighs)
  • stand upright again to perfect posture.

Circuit 2 – Ninety/Ninety, Spine Windmill, Folding Table, and Table with Overhead Twist


Sitting on your mat:

  • legs in two ninety-degree angles
  • sit very tall with the top of your head reaching toward the sky
  • keep your abdominals firm
  • reach an arm back, then rotate your spine and reach that same arm forward – looking back under your opposite shoulder – as you fold your torso completely over
  • at the end of each rep, your forehead should almost touch the ground
  • 20 reps (10 each side).

Spine Windmill

Lie on your side, with hands in a prayer position and arms straight. Keeping your legs and hips still, simply rotate your spine so that your top arm circles up and over, resting your hand on the other side of your torso. Your head rotates, too, following your gaze. 20 reps (10 each side).

Folding-Table Exercise

Sitting on your mat:

  • your hands point the same direction as your feet
  • press your hips up in the air, to knee level
  • hold the table position for a moment before returning your hips to the ground
  • contract your glute muscles a bit each time your hips thrust up
  • allow the front of your shoulders and chest to open up a bit
  • 20 reps (10 each side).

Table with Overhead Twist

Sitting on your mat:

  • this particular mobility manoeuvre is best understood by watching the accompanying video
  • reach one arm up, over, and back
  • essentially, this is a one-arm backbend
  • try to keep your hips thrust up to the sky
  • try not to allow your feet and hips to splay out or move around too much
  • 20 reps (10 each side).

Circuit 3 – Moving Can Openers, Pole Ankle Squats, Bent-Over Pole Twists, and Rotating Ball Slams

Moving Can Openers

Standing up with feet far apart:

  • rotate your spine and do a martial-arts elbow jab over to one side
  • bend the same knee a bit, and the opposite heel can lift up a bit
  • the overall effect here is a sort of alternating lunge, though your feet stay where they are
  • the emphasis is on the spine rotation and the arm punch
  • challenge yourself to keep your torso as tall as possible
  • 20 reps (10 each side).

Ankle Squats with Pole

Using a pole as a cane to help support body weight:

  • bend your knees, keeping your feet together
  • engage your gluteal and abdominal muscles throughout the full range of motion of your squat
  • the big idea here is to create some length in the ankles and calves
  • be mindful of your knees, only go as low as your knees comfortably allow
  • resist the temptation to “dump” bodyweight forward into your knees; keep the weight toward the back as you maintain a very tall spine
  • 10 reps.

Bent-Over Pole Twists

Using a pole like a scarecrow:

  • stand with feet a bit wider than hip-distance apart
  • fold your torso forward, keeping your waistline tight and your buttock muscles engaged
  • do not shrink the spine, make your torso and neck as long as you possibly can
  • as you twist, initiate the movement from the abdominal muscles (not your arms)
  • remember to keep the pole resting on your traps, not your neck
  • 20 reps (10 each side).

Alternating Side Ball Slams

Take a weighted ball and reach it up and over your head, slamming it down (and catching it as it bounces back up) on alternating sides of your body. 20 reps, 10 each side.

5 Foods to Help with Joint Pain

Another way to help reduce joint pain is by increasing your intake of anti-inflammatory foods. Mostly this involves just making sure you are eating healthy, with plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

1. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts and Cabbage

All these vegetables are full of sulforaphane which helps show cartilage damage to the joints. Although studies are still in their early stages, vegetables are always a good choice for helping our body with pain. Adding broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, kale or cauliflower to your meals is a great start.

2. Salmon, Tuna, Trout and Mackerel

All these fatty fishes are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. These help fight inflammation of the joints, so try adding them to your dishes twice a week. Alternatively, talk to your doctor about omega-2 supplements.

3. Garlic

Garlic contains diallyl disulfide that helps with a number of diseases, including limiting cartilage damaging enzymes.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric is a wonder spice! It’s the best-researched anti-inflammation food, containing curcumin that helps with joint inflammation. It’s been used for centuries to ward off inflammatory diseases in India! You can add plenty to your curries, or try Turmeric milk for a daily dose.

5. Vitamin C

The antioxidants found in vitamin C helps slow signs of arthritis and can be found in oranges, strawberries, kiwi, pineapple and cantaloupes.



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