Stay Home and Have a Bath

Fact: Turning your bathroom into a spa is good for your wellbeing!

For someone whose children have grown up hearing ‘have a bath it will make you feel better’  I was delighted to discover that facts that back up my home theory! Yes, having a bath as part of your weekly health regime helps you relax and recuperate.

A new study spread over 20 years in Japan compared people who took baths less than twice a week with those who took baths three to four times. Those who bathed more had a 25% lower risk of coronary heart disease and a 13% lower risk of stroke! Further to that, those who bathed daily had a 35 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease and a 23 percent lower risk of stroke. The researchers claim that the simple hydrothermal practice of taking a bath lowers blood pressure and improves blood vessel function.

With the anxiety and limitations on what we can do in lockdown, the benefits of turning your bathroom into a spa is something very simple that boost your wellbeing!

A Hot Bath Delivers Health Benefits Similar to Exercise

Thermal bathing is believed to be beneficial across many different cultures, but a study from Loughborough University showed that passive heating improves health. An hour-long hot bath burned as many calories as a half-hour walk. It also led to changes in inflammatory response similar to the changes we usually see following exercise.

Hot Springs Found to Relieve Chronic Pain, Depression and Insomnia 

Many of us take to a bath to bathe aching muscles, but a study from RMIT University in Australia found that bathing in hot springs significantly relieved severa back pain, arthritis, injury and chronic pain as well as helping with depression, anxiety and insomnia.

Reduced Pain for Osteoarthritis Patients Using Mineral Baths

An Erasmus University (Netherlands) review of seven randomised trials found that mineral baths improved pain and quality of life for osteoarthritis sufferers.

Hydrotherapy Shows Improvement in Multiple Illnesses

A large study in Italy looked at hydrotherapy as treatment for eight groups of illnesses (rheumatic, respiratory, dermatologic, gynaecologic, otorhynologic, urinary, vascular and gastroenteric) and in seven of the eight groups treated there was a significant reduction in hospitalisations, sick days and medication usage.

Hydrotherapy with Physical Therapy works better than just Physical Therapy

Studying patients who were undertaking physical therapy and hydrotherapy, versus those just having physical therapy for chronic back pain was the focus for a study in Turkey. Those having hydrotherapy showed significant improvements in pain, functionality and quality of life!

Simple Ways to Turn  Your Bathroom into Spa Time

Sooth your anxiety in lockdown and boredom by creating a spa in your home – a relaxing bath or shower and creating a much needed private space will help you feel the health benefits.

  • Firstly de clutter and clean the room to create a relaxed atmosphere
  • Add clean fresh towels – or even treat yourself to some new fluffy ones!
  • Use a oil diffuser to add atmosphere
  • Choose foaming bubbles or relaxing salts and fragrant oils such as lavender
  • Select spa background music to help create the mood – search “spa playlists” or “spa music” on Spotify
  • Dim the lights or use candle lights
  • Relax and enjoy!

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