At 30 your metabolism begins to slow, your testosterone levels decline and it takes longer to recover from injury, meaning there are a few more factors to consider when you’re looking to gain size.
For starters, ditch your post gym feast which used to entail anything from a big mac to a high-calorie concoction of different powers (something you thought was overkill but out of the fear of losing size guzzled down anyway). You don’t have to compensate for an ectomorph’s metabolism anymore.
Studies at the university of Oklahoma show that middle-aged men gain just as much muscle as someone in their 20s after testing the two cohorts on an eight-week workout routine. Don’t let the reality of ageing deter you from the gym, work hard and not even age can stop you from gaining that ripped physique you’ve always wanted.
By the age of 30 you’ve probably established what works for you in terms of diet, so here are some extras well worth trying:
1. Nut Butter
Healthy fats are a must, they encourage testosterone production which will have dropped as a natural part of ageing. Diets rich in fatty acids have the slowest rate of telomere shortening and reduce inflammation. It’s a great source of calories if you’re struggling to hit your daily requirement.
2. Glutamine
Glutamine will aid production of growth hormones, much needed considering they decline after the age of 30. Studies have shown a single 2 gram dose of glutamine has exponential effects on your growth hormone production. Look for L-glutamine and ensure it’s of the best grade. Glutamine aids muscle recovery, necessary since our recovery time increases with age.
3. Prawns
If you’re not already utilising prawns as a source of protein start now! At only 4.1 calories per gram of protein it’s one of the leanest sources out there. Perfect for the calorie-conscious to meet their protein needs.
Research indicates more protein is needed as we age because you lose efficiency in muscle protein synthesis and to protect older adults from sarcopenic muscle loss, ensure you’re getting around 1.2g/kg of body weight.
Photo credit: Mr Lemon
4. Blueberries
Inflammation is one of the causes for sarcopenia as well as joint pain. Blueberries are an effective anti-inflammatory. The superfood is high in antioxidants and vitamins, perfect for grinding up for your post-workout shake.
5. Quinoa
A great alternative to rice. The grain is a complete protein and a 100g service provides 14g of protein. Quinoa is also high in anti-inflammatory phytonutrients and a rich source of fibre.
These 5 foods are all great additions to your diet which will aid muscle growth and recovery. Even if you have an established diet, there worth a try just to switch it up!