7 Basic Truths About Health and Happiness – What My 2 Year Rejuvage Journey Has Taught Me

Two years ago, the adventure began. On reflection, I think I was going through a minor midlife crisis. I found myself asking friends for advice and searching google for new ways to deal with the changes I was feeling inside and out. But my soul searching inspired me to set up rejuvage.com – a midlife wellness destination a place to embrace the beauty and joy of age. I felt the health and beauty industry was not talking to me, all the media images where of 20 somethings and I was being bombarded by negative ‘anti-ageing’ messages which I could not relate to. Thanks to the midlife tribe that is changing, we have a growing positive midlife community who have taught me a lot.

To me, ageing is natural and beautiful – a time of freedom and positive thinking. I do not feel invisible and refuse to fade away into the background. But I am a realist and have discovered to be truly happy in midlife takes time, courage and dedication to basic health truths.

Midlife happiness is a personal thing, but I do believe a few simple changes have made a big difference to me. Over the last few years, I have made lots of small changes to have more adventures, being more mindful and get personalised treatment for the menopause symptoms. Here are 7 things I have learnt.

Pushing Midlife Boundaries And Positive Midlife Goals

It’s easy to drift along in midlife with the same comfortable routine. We can find ourselves doing the same routines at work, socially and eating the same meals. Combining over-familiarity and the slowdown of metabolism can lead to lack of motivation. So I have embraced this as a time to explore and push new boundaries, pushing my body, mind and spirit, and question life. As I reached 50 I really wanted to maximise life and be the best version of me I can – it’s about pushing my fears aside.

Body Goals and Exercise

At 50 + I feel and see physical ageing affects me with potential muscle loss, balance, flexibility and weight gain. I wanted to slow these changes down with a varied programme that motivates me and gets results including more structured weight training, yoga to increase flexibility, walking and being outside.

Healthy Eating Habits and Nutrition

This really is the most important thing. I now appreciate the power of not eating processed foods and eating a variety of foods. Lots of fruits and vegetables and superfoods like oily fish, tomatoes, broccoli, nuts and healthy proteins, whole grains, some low-fat dairy and healthy fats, and less salt. Not only does it make you look leaner but you also digest food faster, feel less bloated, your skin glows and you have more energy.

Keep Hydrated & Go Sober

Drink lots of water and less alcohol. This has been a big change for me. Drinking more water flushes out the toxins and helps with digestion especially if you drink with meals. It also counteracts the impact of alcoholic drinks that affect the body. This is especially true as you get older as your digestion and metabolism slow down. Have a few days a week without any alcohol and try to drink more water or herbal teas

Find Your Tribe

One of the best parts of my midlife journey is meeting and becoming friends with so many adventurous women who show there is no limit to what you can achieve.  From weight training to taking up horse riding, publishing new books, body positive modelling or surfing, meeting and chatting to like-minded people who are on the same healthy journey as I has been a real inspiration. So, whatever you’re interested in, find a group of people who can support and encourage you. There are so many great groups on social media channels that make it even easier to connect!

Love Yourself and Be Authentic

It’s easy to look in the mirror in our 40/50/60’s and be hard on ourselves, comparing how we used to look or how others look. Be kinder to yourself and remind yourself of the good things in your life. Focus on the positives of how far you have come and leave perfectionism behind. Do something nice for yourself each day or week. I used to think this self-love was corny but listening to yourself and being true to what really makes you happy is often neglected. We get caught up in societies expectations and conventions. Instead of doing this, midlife is a time to follow your gut instinct and create your own boundaries. Having higher self-love and self-esteem really is the key.

Slow And Steady Is Good

Just as you need to be kind to yourself, try to make small changes that embrace all the healthy lifestyle. They gradually become a way of life and one day you surprised by the lasting impact. You do not have to be anything radical to be healthier and happier in midlife. Transformation can happen in small steps – I know mine did.

The midlife journey is full of empowered women reaching their full midlife potential to be their best happy self.  So far, the journey has been so incredible inside and out. The healthier and freer I become, the happier I am. From juicing, trekking, clean living, slowing down and muscling up; to reflecting more, listening to my inner voice and being inspired by the new midlife tribe. It’s been a journey of discovery and I would encourage everyone to take more risks and follow their gut instincts

A big thanks to everyone that has supported the journey so far. I am so excited by the journey we continue to be on together!




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