5 Best Yoga Apps for 2020

As we’re starting a new year, many of us are looking to change up our routines, be healthier, and spend more time caring for ourselves. Yoga is a great way to achieve your goals, having benefits as wide ranging as increasing muscle strength, reducing weight and improving stress and anxiety. Finding the right yoga class can be difficult, however, especially matching up class times with busy schedules! Some of us feel self-conscious starting out with something like yoga as well, preferring to try it out in private! For all these reasons, we have gathered the best yoga apps around to help you master your poses even when you’re too busy to make a class!

Daily Yoga

Daily Yoga doesn’t just provide yoga, but also Pilates, Vinyasa and HIIT. It gives you class plans or allows you to drill down to specific targets including weight control, body sculpting and strength. The instructions are easy to understand, and the app allows you to track calories and workout times so that you can work towards your goals.

Download for iPhone

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Cost: Free to download but with In App Purchases

5 Minute Yoga

For those wanting a quick yoga session, this app allows you to create your own routines by filling a timeline with the poses you want to do. There is audio guidance as you go although if you are new to Yoga then you may need to spend some time looking over them before hand. You can view each pose from different angles so that you can master them.

Download for iPhone

Download for Andoid

Cost: Free to download but with In App Purchases

Simply Yoga

This app is great for beginners. It has timed workouts with over 30 poses that are great for beginners. Its also completely free so you dont need to shell out for any subscriptions before you have tried it. It does have adverts on the more basic version, but a paid version gets rid of these and includes some level two techniques and custom routines. The tutorial videos feature video and audio so that you can ease into the poses.

Download for iPhone

Download for Android

Cost: Free for the basic app

Yoga for Beginners

This simple guided yoga experience is great for those who want to practice different poses. It gives you handcrafted yoga  workouts to get you started with voice guidance that will clear your mind. It also enables you to track your workouts, calories and your weight and has easy beginner friendly workouts that are easy to perform.

Download for iPhone

Download for Android

Cost: Free

Pocket Yoga


This app has detailed voice and visual instructions that guide you through each post. It has 300 beautiful images to help you get the exact correct posture and alignment. It also has a full description of all the benefits of each post. With sessions designed be experienced yoga instructors of varying difficulty, its definitely worth the small cost

Download for iPhone

Download for Android

Cost: £2.99



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