Ever wondered what the secret ingredient is that keeps the rich and famous staying so beautiful and young? Dr Vali is it! Founder of LMS Wellness, an ‘Invite Only’ wellness clinic, she travels all over the world to travel to those in need of her magic touch.
She specialises in medical treatments but her ethos is about elegance rather than ‘quick fixes’ or ‘Instagram’ beauty. If someone shows a picture asking for lips just like them, she often turns them away.
“You will have young clients coming in saying, ‘I want these lips’. I’m like, ‘Really? But you don’t even look like Emily Ratajkowski. You have acne or rosacea or big hollows under your eyes or pores. Who’s looking at your lips?’ I re-educate them and send them back home,”
Instead of just doing what is asked, she teaches her patients how to look after their skin and hair and see real improvements.
Putting the Patients First
Dr Vali has no interest in making money from the insecurities of her patients. She believes that she has an ethical duty to do what’s right for them, not just do exactly what they ask. She also warns that so many people come to her without really thinking about the medicine behind what they are doing to themselves. Often fixing the mistakes of other Dr’s such as dodgy face fillers, most of the time the patient is not sure exactly what their previous doctor had done. Many people, she warns, treat Botox-like a treatment, not a medical procedure.
Social media, Dr Vali says, has had confidence shattering effect on people’s view of themselves.
“I think social media can be detrimental to a person who doesn’t know themselves very well. It can make you seek out doctors much more quickly than you should do at a certain age.”
As we scroll through our feeds, it can be dangerous. The desire for endless perfection is damaging on us physically and psychologically. BY comparing ourselves to the rich and famous, we set an impossibly high standard that is more often than not, not real.
“The supermodels, the Victoria’s Secret Angels, they’re not natural. Hollywood actresses, even the ones you think, ‘No, she hasn’t…’ Everyone has had refinement work. It’s just that some do it well and the doctors that do it well, you don’t hear of.”
For those wanting a change, Dr Vali has some quick tips that we can all adopt!
Dr. Vali’s Top Tips
- Stop using emollients or heavy moisturisers – they’re not doing your skin any good.
- Be cautious of taking Roaccutane as it just dries up the skin it does not work on pores acne, bacteria or scars.
- Wash your face using only water. Often with people who come to Dr. Vali with Acne she will suggest stop using products for 6 weeks and see the improvement it has on their skin.
- Stick to three products: a serum containing hyaluronic acid and an SPF with primer in the day and prescribed, medical-grade tretinoin or Vitamin A-derivative at night.
- Don’t tan in your 30s. Dr Vali says “its really sexy to have a tan in your 20’s but in your 30s and 40’s you have to do gown the Cate Blanchett route”.
- Don’t use hair conditioner. Wash hair with baby shampoo twice a week. After two weeks, the shedding will be reduced and your hair will feel thicker. Heavy conditioners make your follicles lazy so they stop producing natural oils and looking after itself.
- Watch medical videos to become educated. Don’t just look at before and after pictures without understanding the process.
- Accept that looking the same as others is very ‘high street’. Being unique is more elegant.
- Don’t get fooled by over the counter skincare – it usually doesn’t work because it doesn’t penetrate deep enough to create cellular change.
- Being stressed really does accelerate ageing throughout the body. Do what you can to reduce this. – meditation is especially recommended.
- Get enough sleep.
- Take B vitamins for your skin and your hair.
- Take super strength fish oil supplements – we are all short of omega oils.
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