Cellulite Reduction
What is cellulite reduction?
Velashape™ is a treatment which utilises infrared and radiofrequency technologies as a tool to reduce cellulite. Studies have shown that the treatment reduces the appearance of cellulite by 65%. A course of 8 – 10 treatments are recommended to have the best results.
What types of cellulite reduction are available?
There are many different treatments to reduce cellulite. One of the most effective methods uses radiotherapy, Velashape™ is a well-known treatment incorporating RF with infrared technologies.
Is VelaShape™ for you?
If you have no skin diseases or infections in the treatment area, then you are able to have the treatment, there are few factors which can compromise the ability to have the treatment. The procedure uses radiofrequency which can interfere with metal implants and electrical devices, which could pose a health risk which is the one of the only contra-indication of the procedure.
Typical cost of a cellulite reduction
The average price for a full course of treatments is £800.
Risks & side effects
There are no long-term health hazards of the prelude, the use of light and energy in treatments is considered safe. Most people experience no side effects, however redness, swelling and bruising can all occur.